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Dynamic Views: February 2013

Monday, 18 February 2013

Rocking Horse

Had a successful weekend at Rocking Horse, with Boots doing her second novice and finishing with a 35 in dressage and a clean cross country and Tampa doing his first recognized event and finishing 6th in Beginner Novice.  Boots put in a very relaxed and obedient dressage test and was her usual unflappable self all weekend. Tampa jumped around with ease and just needs to work on relaxing in the dressage. He got my hopes up as he warmed up very relaxed and gave me some beautiful trot which unfortunately disappeared rapidly as we neared the judge's booth.  I hope he begins to relax and enjoy (or at least accept) being in the ring a bit more as he is capable of doing a super test, but as he still has very little experience I couldn't be too disappointed especially after double clear show jump and cross country rounds where he was very good.  Inet and Cleo both held down the fort at home and are both going well and the only downside to the weekend was missing the Valentines Basset Waddle....still waiting on the perfect Basset (to be named Louise unless a more Basseterific name is thought of) to show up at the Basset Rescue in Gainesville.... I cannot wait to be yelling "Louise come back here right now I know you ate the whole loaf of bread" Although I am already sure she will be entirely untrainable and stubborn (and heartbreakingly adorable), I know she is going to be the light of my life as she takes the bread off my table...Sigh... Besides a busy weekend with the ponies, I have recently become addicted to a word game on my phone called Ruzzle. Its becoming an obsession and I anxiously count the seconds as I wait for my opponent to play.....I might need to join Ruzzle anonymous, but for now I'm encouraging people to play and join the obsession. My username is hmaytham 

Last weekend I had a break from the Florida sunshine and made it up to Boston in time for Storm Nemo and my good friend Kylie Lyman's wedding. She looked so beautiful and I am so happy for her, although I wish Ireland weren't quite so far away! Last night when it dipped into the 20's it felt scarily similar to New England weather which I find a distant and incomprehensible memory as I now pile on fleeces if it dips below 80, but we have had a very mild winter here compared to my first Florida experience and I am not complaining. I am  ready to complain about the most obnoxious people to have ever entered Starbucks. They are here every single day, (I don't know that for a fact it just sounds worse that way and worse is exactly what they are) they arrive with a zeal for annoyance that I find unsurpassed and a passion for painfully loud noises that amazes me.  Each time I see them I am forced to count to 10 and breathe deeply and slowly.  Or I think that's what you're supposed to do, instead, as a good New Englander would, I give them the silent intensive glare. Through this glare I am thinking,  you guys are a great opportunity to practice dealing with and overcoming stressful situations and make me a better person by becoming more patient and tolerant! Thanks so much! Remember every problem is an opportunity! and every child yelling is an angel's song in disguise!.... This is why I wouldn't be hired to make inspirational posters or knit sayings on pillows. So I am going to my car as fast as possible, and focusing on how much cuter than any small child Boots looks braided.
"Please let there be hay inside"

Game face before dressage, and sporting her new Back on Track blanket, Thanks Mom!! :) 

Boots napping after her big weekend

Valentine's Day trail ride with the 4 year olds 

Inet noticed I was taking pictures of Boots and refused to be passed by. I think he wishes he could be a Dover catalog model